1&1, based in Germany, is a leading global web hosting and internet service provider, hosting email service for many millions of webmail users as the domains gmx.net, web.de, and mail.com, as well as hosting inbound mail service for more than 94,000 customer domains.
Starting July 25, 2024, they are now sending DMARC report feedback to email senders.
How to get this feedback
Properly configured DMARC with reporting (RUA address configuration) allows a domain owner to tell the world where to send aggregated reports identifying email sources, both authenticated and not, attempting to send mail on behalf of your email domain. This feedback and the reporting we generate from it is invaluable when it comes to protecting your email domains against phishing and spoofing.
If you’ve already published a properly formatted DMARC record (or used our automation) to enable DMARC reports, you’re all set! When 1&1 sees email messages from your email domain name (authenticated or not), they’ll now send the appropriate reports back to the address specified in the DMARC record, just like many other inbox providers do.
Why this feedback matters
DMARC is all about domain protection and email activity monitoring. And that protection (moving to an enforcement DMARC policy of p=quarantine or p=reject is best served by having reporting enabled and utilizing tools like Valimail Enforce to correlate and present data captured from these DMARC reports.
Monitoring email activity – being aware of the use of your email domain, with or without proper email authentication, helps you to both monitor for bad actors phishing and spoofing your email domain, as well as for identifying email authentication configuration issues in your own marketing automation or business email systems.
Increasing DMARC’s international scope
Thanks to 1&1’s position as one of the top hosts of email inboxes in Germany (and Europe), their new ability to send DMARC reporting expands the global footprint of insight you’ll receive from DMARC report feedback. A greater view leads to greater insight and helps reduce the gaps in the global monitoring of email activity for your email domain.
DMARC is an important part of the global efforts to keep email safe and secure. We thank 1&1 for their hard work and effort in implementing DMARC reporting, knowing that this will significantly improve the ability to monitor malicious email activity in Germany and all of Europe. This truly helps to improve and better secure the global email ecosystem.
DMARC is here to help
If you’d like to learn more about how to globally monitor and protect against phishing and spoofing of your email domains, contact us to learn more!