Introducing RUF+: The only privacy-safe option for DMARC

Maximize your email insights beyond traditional DMARC failure reports and get safe access to Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace.

With the online world’s increasing focus on privacy, personally identifiable information (PII) needs to be handled with extreme care. The penalties for leaking this kind of information have grown substantially. Inadvertently violating the private and sensitive data of patients, customers, partners, students, and more can now lead to substantial fines as well as losing the trust of your customers.

This is why Valimail invested significant R&D to build RUF+, the world’s most effective, timely, and secure way to discover service owners and diagnose failing services so you can streamline your journey to continuous DMARC protection. 

What is RUF+?

RUF+ is the newest feature that is part of Valimail’s Enforce® solution. This first-of-its-kind solution enables you to identify owners of failing sending services, investigate why services are failing, and troubleshoot configuration issues. 

Get real-time, privacy-safe insights using our unique Mailbox Service Provider (MSP) direct connection so you can quickly get to the bottom of failing emails and neutralize potential threats against your business. 

Demo of RUF+

Why is RUF+ important?

As the global leader in DMARC, we understand that identifying internal owners of failing sending services is one of the biggest challenges for organizations. Some have looked to DMARC failure reports to circumvent this labor-intensive task, but quickly discovered that these reports don’t really solve the problem. 

These traditional DMARC failure reports are becoming rare, with only a handful of international mailbox providers sending them now. Additionally, these reports bring with them significant risks to non-compliance with HIPAA, GDPR, and CCPA because they can contain PII.

Valimail RUF+ is the only privacy-safe option on the market to maximize your email insights beyond traditional DMARC failure reports. These insights are vital in identifying internal sending service owners and diagnosing failing services without the risk of exposing PII data. 

How will RUF+ benefit you?

Valimail RUF+ is the world’s most effective, timely and secure way to discover sending service owners and diagnose failing services so you can streamline your journey to continuous DMARC protection.

Here is how implementing RUF+ can benefit your business:

  • Failing Senders Report: Saves significant time in identifying owners of failing sending services so you can rapidly validate your email environments
  • Email Insights Report: Analyze data from failing emails to remediate authentication issues and potential threats to your business
  • No risk to PII data: 100% compliance ready (GDPR, CCPA) and annual SOC2 Type II/SOC 3 reports so there’s no risk to customer data
  • Safe access to Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace: Comprehensive 360-degree view of what’s happening to emails being sent to your recipients via MSP direct (API) connection

By using the Failing Senders Report and the Email Insights Report, RUF+ saves IT Professionals tremendous time in identifying owners of failing services, analyzing the nature of attacks spoofing those services, and speeding up time to enforcement.

With RUF+, you get all the benefits of traditional DMARC failure reports while still protecting PII. You gain never-before-seen perspective into failing emails to internal recipients and safe access to Microsoft 365 and Gmail Workspace. This expanded visibility will garner the necessary, deep, and real-time insights you need to tap into the next generation of email authentication. 

To learn more about this RUF+ and our Valimail’s Enforce® solution, schedule a demo today!

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[UPCOMING WEBINAR] Microsoft and Valimail Share DMARC Insights LIVE on 02/19 — Register HERE.