Why we’re partnering with Twilio SendGrid for security and deliverability

Colleagues in the office practicing alternative greeting for safety and protection during COVID-19

Twilio SendGrid and Valimail have teamed up to provide customers with Valimail’s DMARC Monitor and Enforce solutions, which will help Twilio SendGrid customers further protect their domains from phishing and impersonation attacks.

Valimail is already the #1 provider of DMARC management tools to Office 365 users, and has the industry’s highest rate of getting customers’ domains to DMARC enforcement (the state at which they’re protected from being spoofed via email phish). For its part, Twilio SendGrid maintains a 99.97% phish-free mail flow for its over 50B monthly emails.

I’m particularly excited about this partnership because, from our founding in 2015, Valimail has strived to enhance the global email ecosystem for all. Our mission statement is to “Authenticate the World’s Communications,” and our partnership with Twilio SendGrid brings us a step closer to making this a reality. We look to engage with all email security, marketing, and infrastructure companies to build a broad coalition and create a world in which we can trust our email again.

This partnership is especially timely because the world is facing an unprecedented onslaught of phishing emails that aim to exploit fear and uncertainty around the Coronavirus crisis, at a time people are working from home, far away from IT support and with an even higher reliance on email.

The combination of Twilio SendGrid and Valimail enables organizations to protect their brands and increase the deliverability of their outbound emails at the same time. That’s because DMARC enforcement increases the deliverability of customers’ email messages, by 10%, 20%, or more.

It’s time to get spoof-proof

Impersonation is already the attack vector used by 90% of spear phishing attacks—email sent as your co-workers, your boss, or a trusted organization — and domain spoofing poses unique challenges for both detection and prevention.

Valimail research shows that at least 1% of global email volume is sent using a spoofed domain. These attacks can cause monetary losses, damage your brand’s image, and cause email deliverability issues. One of the most dangerous and costly types of spoofing attacks is the business email compromise (BEC). According to the FBI, BEC losses totaled over $26 billion from 2013 to 2019.

DMARC addresses this problem in two ways. First, it provides visibility into the platforms and services using your domain to send email. This visibility isn’t just necessary to identify and mitigate bad senders, it also helps bring legitimate services and senders into compliance and allows you to take stock of your total email footprint. In addition to visibility across your entire mailing program, you’ll know exactly where SPF and DKIM are failing.

Second, DMARC ensures alignment between the domains authenticated by SPF or DKIM and the visible “From” address that customers actually see — and it allows you, the domain owner, to control what happens to messages that fail authentication. If you’re not ready to start blocking non-authenticated messages, fine: Leave your DMARC policy at “p=none” and collect data from DMARC reports to track down and authorize all the legitimate senders you want. But once you’ve identified and authorized all those senders using SPF or DKIM, you can move to a p=quarantine or p=reject policy, and start ensuring that nobody will receive fake emails spoofing your domain identity.

Teaming up for security and deliverability

Twilio SendGrid has long been a leader in email security and deliverability and we are proud to partner with them to provide their customers solutions for DMARC enforcement.

Valimail is the pioneer of automated DMARC management, the market leader in DMARC services for Office 365 users, and as of last month, we’re the fastest-growing DMARC vendor overall. We are also heavily involved in giving back to the ecosystem, serving as the chair of several working groups developing next-gen email security and authentication standards (DMARC, ARC, and BIMI) and we maintain active participation in global industry working groups (M3AAWG, IETF, and others).

In short, this partnership makes sense — and it will deliver enormous benefits to customers.

If you’re a Twilio SendGrid customer, you can check out Valimail’s offering at no cost. Sign up for DMARC Monitor for Twilio SendGrid, free of charge, to immediately see who is sending email as your domain, both legitimately and maliciously, and take the first step to protecting your domains from impersonation, increase deliverability, and improve brand reputation.

Check out the Twilio SendGrid blog for the full announcement, along with some more details on SPF, DKIM, DMARC, and how Valimail Enforce and DMARC Monitor work for Twilio SendGrid customers.

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Go one step further than visibility…Take action! Reach DMARC enforcement faster. Stay compliant with evolving sender requirements. All while protecting your brand.

[UPCOMING WEBINAR] Microsoft and Valimail Share DMARC Insights LIVE on 02/19 — Register HERE.