Visualize your sender logo with our new BIMI Simulator

Discover Valimail's new BIMI Simulator – a powerful tool that lets you preview your brand's logo in mobile and webmail inboxes.
Image of Valimail BIMI Simulator

It’s time to share more new functions and features with you! Beginning today, all Valimail users (Monitor, Enforce and Amplify) will notice something new in the left navigation: BIMI Simulator, which will allow you to visualize what your emails could look like with a BIMI sender logo.

What is BIMI?

Brand Identifiers for Message Identification (BIMI) puts your logo in the inbox directly next to your brand’s email messages, outshining missing or grayed-out initials. BIMI works with many email clients and webmail providers, such as Gmail, Apple’s iCloud, Yahoo Mail, and others.

BIMI provides an additional branding opportunity for your emails and also helps to improve engagement, meaning that recipients are more likely to open, view or click on an email message when a BIMI logo is present. It helps promote trust in email, requiring that a domain have an enforcement-oriented DMARC policy (quarantine or reject), and even showing off a blue “Approved” checkmark in Gmail, when you implement BIMI with a Verified Mark Certificate (VMC).

But before you get to the point of implementing BIMI, you’ll want to be able to preview how your logo will look in mobile and webmail inboxes. With our new BIMI Simulator, you can do that!

Simple to use

It couldn’t be easier to utilize. Start by confirming your company name and email address. You can make edits if needed.

Next, upload a logo to utilize as your simulated BIMI sender logo. While BIMI logos have very particular format requirements, our simulator is more forgiving. Specify your choice of SVG, PNG or JPG logo – keeping in mind that it’ll be cropped to display in a perfectly-round circle – and we’ll resize it to fit.

You can also enter a competitor’s or another company’s domain if you want to see if they have BIMI implemented. We’ll check to see if the domain publishes a BIMI logo. If they do, we’ll mock up their logo next to yours in the simulated message view. And if they don’t, we’ll show you how your logo stands out next to the more simple display of their initials.

Review the results

After clicking “Simulate,” we’ll show you a mockup of how your BIMI logo might appear both in webmail and mobile. Actual device and webmail support will vary across providers, but this should give you a general idea of how your logo will appear to most subscribers utilizing Gmail, Apple’s iCloud, Yahoo Mail, or any other of the inbox provider webmail and applications that support BIMI logo display.

Like what you see? Click on the “Download Image” link to save a PNG image to your desktop, containing both the webmail and mobile inbox mockups, perfectly suitable for inclusion in your next presentation to management on why they should move forward with implementing BIMI or for sharing with other teams.

If you’d like to learn more about BIMI logos and how Valimail can help you boost trust in email, show off your brand, and increase message engagement, you can click on the “Get Add On” button to contact us for information about Valimail Amplify.

And even if you’re not yet utilizing Valimail Amplify or the BIMI Simulator, but would like to chat with us to learn more about Brand Indicators for Message Identification, book a demo with us today!

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[ON-DEMAND] Microsoft and Valimail Share DMARC Insights — Watch HERE.