Understanding the DMARC pct (percentage) tag – what you need to know

Not sure what the DMARC pct tag does? There’s a right way and a wrong way to use this tag—use it wrong, and you could expose your brand to bad actors.
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You’re on your way to DMARC enforcement, and you’ve started to determine your DMARC policy. You may be curious to experiment and see what happens if you publish DMARC records with a “pct” tag set to 0. Before you go down this path, think twice. Setting your DMARC pct tag to 0 could undermine the value of DMARC altogether.

While the pct tag is well-supported, it is not often used long-term. Too often, it is applied in ways that introduce more issues than solutions.

First, let’s start with some background on the pct tag and what it does.

What is the DMARC pct (percentage) tag?

The pct tag is an optional setting defined on a DMARC record. This tag specifies the percentage of messages from a domain’s mail stream that will be checked to see if they pass authentication. Setting pct to 0 means none will be checked, while 100 means that all will be checked.

The pct tag was conceived as a way to allow domain owners to do a “slow rollout” of DMARC enforcement, building their confidence in the setup over time. The intent was to allow domains to shift to a more stringent DMARC policy for a subset of the mainstream.

As this was happening, they could monitor the new configuration for errors and complaints. If all went well, they could increase that subset’s size once they feel confident they’ve identified and addressed all issues.

However, this can still leave your domain open to impersonation attacks until you set pct=100 or remove the pct tag entirely. Therefore, the pct tag should be set to less than 100 only for a short time.

Additionally, there is a stark difference between how the pct tag is defined in the DMARC standard, how most people believe it functions, and how it has been deployed at scale globally. The misuse of the pct tag can cause more problems than it solves.

Unfortunately, we’ve been seeing an increase in the number of published DMARC records with a “pct” tag that effectively eliminates any benefit that DMARC might otherwise provide.

One particularly problematic case is when a domain publishes a record with:

pct=0 and p=quarantine

The problem with DMARC pct=0

Domain owners can set the pct to any integer from 0 to 100.

Setting it to 100 is the same as having no pct tag at all. By default, with no pct tag, the policy will apply to 100% of the messages and to those that fail authentication. Setting the pct tag to 0 (zero) is one small step up from having no policy at all.

It is increasingly becoming more common to see DMARC records in the wild with the following settings:

p=quarantine; pct=0

This combination of tags means the quarantine policy will be applied to 0% of the domain’s message flow. In other words, this setting is the same as p=none. Even more alarming is that the quarantine policy is enforced, further reducing the effectiveness of the policy.

Don’t be fooled: A DMARC record with “p=quarantine; pct=0” is far from enforcement. It is potentially a useful first step along the road to enforcement. However, remember that it is effectively the same as p=none in terms of its ability to stop spoofed messages.

Valimail explains why P = none policies are not enough for DMARC enforcement.

The same lessons apply as they do with a setting of p=none. A DMARC record with this setting may be a useful first step for gathering data on your email ecosystem via aggregate reports. But you cannot count on it to provide protection, and it needs to be considered at enforcement.

While the inclusion of “quarantine” in your record might offer some illusions of security, the truth is that the protection doesn’t exist. It may also fool a compliance checklist or simple domain checker tools, creating a false sense of security while leaving your front door wide open.

Applying the DMARC pct tag for mailing lists

There is one use case in which “p=quarantine; pct=0” makes sense—but only after you have spent ample time monitoring and understanding your mail flow with a setting of p=none.

Some mailing lists rewrite their From: headers when they see a domain at p=quarantine or p=reject, so that mail from domains at enforcement can be delivered when sent through the list. In mailman, for instance, this is called “from munging.”

Keep in mind, munging headers like this is not an optimal solution to the problem of mailing lists breaking DMARC authentication. At Valimail, we strongly support the ARC standard, which is a robust solution to this problem.

This munging behavior does not affect domains with p=none DMARC records and only kicks in once you move to quarantine or reject. You won’t see its impact until you change policies. Thus, there is a case to be made for using:

p=quarantine; pct=0

With this policy in place, you can monitor the impact of moving to enforcement.

However, this is ultimately misguided. Because the mailing list changes the From: address to be its own, DMARC reports for this mailstream now go to the list—not to you, the domain owner. Once this change is in place, you lose all visibility into this part of your mail flow.

While this will ultimately happen once you move to enforcement, a “p=quarantine; pct=0” setting is absolutely the wrong place to start diagnosing the problem. This issue underscores why it’s so critical to start at p=none and carefully monitor your mail flow through analysis of DMARC reports that explicitly accurately identify all senders and receivers.

What is DMARC enforcement?

domain is “at enforcement” if all non-authenticating messages that appear to come from a domain—or its subdomains—will be quarantined or rejected.

The following settings are considered to be at enforcement:

p=reject [with no pct tag]
p=reject; pct=[anything]
p=quarantine [with no pct tag]
p=quarantine; pct=100

However, if you have a policy of quarantine and a pct set to anything less than 100, you’re not at enforcement. That’s because some proportion of your message flow effectively has a policy of “none.” If that pct value is pct=0, 100% of your message flow has no policy.

In short: Watch those tags closely. If your DMARC vendor or consultant advises you to use p=quarantine in combination with anything in the pct tag, ask them why.

Ensure DMARC enforcement with Valimail

Want to stop worrying about if your DMARC is up to par? Get started with Valimail Enforce. Valimail Enforce gives you continuous DMARC protection at scale across all your domains. We provide automation tools to ensure enforcement and boost your deliverability rates.

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