Valimail Declares: DMARC Visibility Should Be Free

Valimail DMARC Monitor™, powered by award-winning email service identification engine, now available to all domain owners at no charge

SAN FRANCISCO, February 25, 2020 — Valimail, the leading provider of identity-based anti-phishing solutions, announced the general availability of Valimail DMARC Monitor™, a free, cloud-based solution that gives domain owners full visibility into all the services sending email from their domains.

DMARC Monitor is built on Valimail’s award-winning Helios engine, which provides unmatched visibility into email-sending services. Based on a suite of patented and proprietary technologies for analyzing sender identities, Helios transforms the raw data of DMARC reports into highly visual, actionable information in the DMARC Monitor dashboard.

“Valimail’s position is that visibility into your own infrastructure should be free,” said Tim Moore, the general manager for Valimail DMARC Monitor. “DMARC provides domain owners with a wealth of raw data, but the difficulty they’ve had interpreting that data — either on their own or using first-generation DMARC utilities — shows that there’s a real need for a visibility solution that actually provides meaningful information and not just a list of IP Addresses that still need correlation. DMARC Monitor is that solution, and we’re giving it away free because we want to help companies help themselves to end the scourge of domain impersonation, BEC, and phishing.”

DMARC stands for Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance, and is a widely accepted industry standard that gives domain owners complete control over who (and which services) can send email from their domain. Without DMARC, anyone can send email “as” a domain simply by putting “” in the From field of an email message. With DMARC, the owner of gains visibility into exactly who is doing that — and gains the ability to control who can do it and who is blocked.

Globally, 80% of email inboxes support DMARC and will enforce domain owners’ policies for all inbound email they receive. The number of domains utilizing DMARC has been growing exponentially (increasing 300% in 2019, according to, but the difficulty of interpreting raw DMARC data means that most domain owners using DMARC haven’t been able to leverage its full potential. A big  part of the problem: The reports that DMARC generates are big, complex XML files filled with IP addresses, and it’s tedious and challenging to turn that raw data into meaningful information.

Valimail DMARC Monitor addresses that shortcoming by providing an easy-to-configure, easy-to-use visual dashboard that turns raw DMARC reports into human-readable lists of email-sending services, with status readouts on each service (how many messages it sends, whether it’s successfully authenticating or not, and whether it in turn is using any underlying email-sending services), plus visual maps showing where in the world legitimate and suspicious email is coming from.

Thanks to a partnership with Microsoft, through which Valimail offered an early version of DMARC Monitor to Office 365 users, more than 10,000 domain owners already use DMARC Monitor. These customers have discovered Valimail’s unmatched power to give them visibility into their email ecosystems. Configuring DMARC Monitor requires a one-time, five-minute DNS change. It will not affect or interrupt your email flow in any way, and is compatible with all other email security and DMARC monitoring/management products, so customers can easily compare results side by side. It is available immediately at no charge.

For more information and to sign up for Valimail DMARC Monitor for free, see

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[UPCOMING WEBINAR] Microsoft and Valimail Share DMARC Insights LIVE on 02/19 — Register HERE.